hi, i'm sam!

Monday, October 16, 2006

back online! and bigger.

sorry from the break in babyblog service, the computer was down.

here's an action zoom:

people take pictures of me when i'm asleep:

hangin' with kelley and nicole:

i make mom laugh:



hey dog, you listening? ten minutes and we're gonna make a break for it, OK? OKAY!?!

eh, let's take a nap first... snarflflflflgooooooo:

i like that tinkly piano music:

brian and ana come to visit:

and mrs. donovan too:

i have a new friend, henry owen:

baby butt:

i used to hate baths but now i realize they are MOST AWESOME:

suzanne and scott were in mom and dad's "birth class." they stopped by with their boy jacob:

i swear, i really like j.d.! it's just that he has a bit more hair than me:

lakeside, the dads show off the hottest new baby styles:

megan and charming young donovan (and me! aarghh!):

jamie and dave visit, they brought yummy cookies for mom and dad (dad ate ALL of them!):

tummy time with mom: